Thursday 17 January 2013

Evaluation - Bye Bye Wild Kingdom!!

Project Evaluation:

Wild Kingdom has been a really exciting project. As soon as I received the brief on tribalism, I knew that I would be inspired by the African tribes. I am instantly attracted by colour, texture and pattern – which African tribes combine a lot of. I enjoyed the research and the fact that it was all put together on a blog because it allowed me to explore a lot more. I got on with blogging a lot more than sketchbook work. It was so much easier because you could do it wherever you were, and if I found something whilst out I could easily upload in as opposed to having to wait and forgetting! Its got me inspired to start blogging myself as well!
The tribe that I chose to explore was African. Because the project was introduced as a tribal mash up, I tried to combine a lot of African tribes together. I looked at Zulu mostly, but then tried to bring the native idea into it. This allowed me to produce two very different shoots for catwalk and editorial.
Out of the two, I think my most successful shoot was my editorial. This represented African tribes in every way that I wanted to, but also showed beauty and fashion. I was able to combine the makeup with a beautiful headscarf and lots of colourful accessories. It was fine to overcrowd the model because there was no need to consider the idea that catwalk needed to be mobile. The final image was really successful and is one of my favourite shoots so far.
I am also proud of my catwalk shoot, but this is my least favourite out of the two. Not only was the final image not at the best quality, the over all look was a little basic compared to the first one. I had a lot of trouble with models and time management, and this was reflected in my shoot. I was really disappointed with myself for this because I ended up settling for a male model when really I wanted a female model. The hair was supposed to be a lot more styled and designed in this look than it was the editorial, but because I used a male model the hair is barely noticed in the shoot behind the head piece. Despite having to submit the shoot I have for the deadline, I will be doing this look again in my own time to satisfy myself. I intend to include this image in my blog, but it will only be done at home by myself as I am unable to redo it in the studio.
Wild Kingdom was definitely one of my favourite projects so far. I preferred it to the rest because this time there seemed more of a purpose, Having to consider the needs for editorial and catwalk shoots make it feel like I was actually working for a shoot in the industry. Its made me a lot more critical of my work, but also shown me how hard I really do need to work to be satisfied with my final outcomes.

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