Friday 5 October 2012

Hans Silvester


I have just come across these images by photographer Hans Silvester - incredible! I absolutely love the makeup and styling. It is so eccentric. I have to say, they really do tell a story. It could be that of your own opinion but I get the impression that it shows the naturalism of tribal artwork and how unique they are.I am completely in awe of each image. Each of them suggest Africa and the poor community, but secretly the beauty hidden within. The colours arew earthy with browns and terracotta reds, but are bought to life with yellows and white. They are strong and beautiful and I love the idea behind them. 

I really need to get my hands on this book!!

Natural Fashion Tribal Decoration from Africa

These images have really inspired me more to create an African Tribal look. Its made me want to research African Tribal more, from the original looks to the new editorial and catwalk looks. Its made me realise how passionate I am getting about African tribes and how much more I want to find out about them. I want my mind to work how Hans Silvester's worked for these images, hopefully some incredible ideas could be produced!

1 comment:

  1. Great Hans Silvester visuals, but more reflection needed!
